FDR signing the 1935 SS Act (click image for person key)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Google Integration for SocSecDefender

Well this in the light of an experiment. The admin/owner of the Social Security Defender blog has the e-mail address of SocSec dot Defender at GMail.com which in turn supports a Google+ social sharing site, a Google Drive, and as of just now a Google Group under the name SocialSecurityDefenders@googlegroups.com. And all of this is loose association wit the Social Security Defenders Group on dKos.

How does this work? Well I am hoping to use the SocialSecurityDefenders Group as the key to viewing files stored on shared folders in the SocSec.Defender Google Drive. And members of the Group would substantially overlap with Circles on the Google+ site. The goal is to make viewing and sharing files across the entire Social Security Defender Google space one-stop and transparent. Once someone is added to the Group they would get immediate access to files on both the Group and the Google Drive and then be added to the appropriate Circle on Google+.

I guess we will see how it goes. Early adopters can ask to join the Group by e-mailing SocSec dot Defender at GMail, aka Bruce Webb.

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